كبسولات التخسيس الرائعة الحارقه للدهون ماغريم سوبر باور تأتى فى شكل حبوب وتصنع من مزيج معروف شعبيا فى الصين لانقاص الوزن.يمتاز عن غيره من الأصناف أن فعاليته تبدأ من اليوم الأول من دون عوارض جانبية من صداع أو دوران.ويقطع الشهية ويخلصك من الطعام الزائد والدهون المتراكمة في الجسم من الأسبوع الأول ,وخلال أسبوع سترى أنك خسرت من وزنك 3-4 كيلو غرام .يسرع عملية الأيض في الجسم بمعدل 20 ضعفا ويقوي الطاقة وجهاز مناعة الجسم كما يعيد للبشرة نضارتها ونعومتها كما يحرق الدهون المخزنة ويحولها إلى طاقة ويخفض معدل الكولسترول في الدم .
ماغريم سوبر باور تقلل الشهية وتزيد من كفاءة حرق الدهون في الجسم •
حرق الدهون في مناطق محددة من الجسم وعلى الأخص في البطن وكذلك الأرداف والذراعين والوجه •
يساعد هذا المنتج في السيطرة على شهيتك وهى مكمل غذائى فى نفس الوقت •
يساعدك على فقدان من 8 – 15 كيلو فى الشهر بدون رجيم او رياضة •
يعمل علي شفط و أذابه الدهون الموجودة بالجسم و أذابه الخلايا الدهنيه بطريقه أمنه تماما •
Take charge of your health and lose
5 – 8 kg. per month…
- Have you been feeling down about the way your body looks?
- Do you think it will be too hard for you to lose weight?
- Have you tried to lose weight before, but were unsuccessful or gave up partway ?
- Do you feel frustrated in your weight loss program because you are not getting the desired result?
- Do you have the energy to complete even everyday tasks?
- Does it seem like no matter what you do you continue to gain weight?
- Do you dread clothes shopping and bathing suit season?
- Have mirrors become your enemy because you no longer like what you see?
- Are love handles and excess fat in all the wrong places getting you down?
Dear Dieter,
If you looked and felt your best… you wouldn’t be reading this. You’re here because you carry around an extra 15… 30 or even 60 KILOGRAMS of ugly fat. And you’re tired of it.
Maybe you packed it on over the last 20 years…maybe it’s all new weight. It doesn’t matter. Either way, you hate what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror… Or worse. You don’t even look in mirrors anymore.
You try the latest fad diets only to end up losing and regaining the same 10 kilograms (and then some) over and over again. You’re left starved… feeling depressed… and even heavier than when you started.
You buy all the worthless home gym equipment and all you lose is the $50… $100… or even $1,000 you spent.
If those diet schemes and exercise machines actually worked… you’d already have that body of your dreams.
But THEY don’t… and YOU don’t.
Nutritional Facts
Baked with the goodness of oats, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and honey, this fiber-rich breakfast is perfect for your healthy and active lifestyle. It makes for the perfect post-workout meal, where every bit is as tasty as it is healthy.
Approximately value per serving 30g
Set Your Own Goals!
What’s your ideal weight? What size clothes do you want to wear?
Imagine what it would be like to be more attractive… look more successful… make first impressions that let you attract others and meet new friends.
Measure your waist. How many kilogram would you like to take off?
Go shopping ‘ and pick out the styles you’ve admired on others, the shorts and swimsuits you’ve always wished you could wear.
Imagine seeing noticeable results the first week ! With Magrim Super Power you can. You’ll see the difference with your very own eyes, and in the encouraging comments of the people in your life. At worst it might take more time, depending on where you are now, but day by day, week by week, you can achieve the progress you’ve always wanted.
Nothing works as fast! Nothing works as effectively and nothing carries a stronger guarantee. Magrim Super Power has been thoroughly tested on people who were hopelessly overweight. People with stubborn fat. People who have tried to lose weight and failed time and time again. Almost all of them were successful
You can feel could feel fuller for much longer, helping to reduce your cravings for food. Because MAGRIM SUPER POWER DESIGNED to reduce Your Appetite, Increase Your Metabolism & Burns Calories Quickly!
Health Benefits
The health benefits will vary depending on the ingredients, but this beloved breakfast food is a healthy and delicious snack. These ingredients are full of fiber and good fats, making granola a nutrient-dense food. Here are some of the ways eating granola can benefit your health
Weight Loss
High-fiber supplement can fill you up and keep you feeling fuller longer
Blood Pressure
Certain supplements have been shown to reduce your hypertension
Disease Prevention
Antioxidants can prevent cell damage causing serious diseases
Decreases Cholesterol
Oats contain a compound called beta-glucan to reduce LDL
Best Practices
Ever wonder what to do with granola? A lot of people use it as a breakfast cereal, or on top of yogurt, but there are many additional ways in which granola can be used. Check out the ideas below for some inspiration on how to enjoy granola for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert and snack!
See all recipesGranola Muesli With Berries
Coat French toast with our original Granola version
Our Customers
Read actual testimonials from happy, healthy clients of Crunchy. We are grateful for our customers & the transformations they have because of our natural food products. See for yourself the difference Crunchy has made!
About Nature’s Path
The seed for Nature’s Path was planted way back in the 1930s when Arran Stephens was growing up on his family’s second-generation organic berry farm. Arran’s father taught him how to care for and nurture the soil, telling him to “always leave the earth better than you found it”. These words have been woven into the very fabric of Nature’s Path.
Stay Healthy, Stay Happy
Living 'healthily ever after' is just an 'add to cart' away. Make the healthy switch to live an active lifestyle effortlessly and stay all good, always. Your taste buds will thank you for this breakfast option that's as crunchy & tasty as it is healthy.
Buy Now![](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2170/1117/t/10/assets/towfiqubarbhuiya4n0dlumdlayunsplas23h-1-1657535481117_1200x.png?v=1657535483)